Founded in Geneva (Switzerland) in 2012 by Hungarian recorder player Timea Nagy, Ensemble Aurion’s activity is centered mainly - but not exclusively - on the interpretation of Italian instrumental repertoires of the first half of the seventeenth century. The artistic conception of the ensemble is to bring light to the two main aspects of the music of "primo Seicento"; its exquisitely crafted highly virtuoso style and its unique, fascinating emotional force that has still so much to say in our days. Improvisation and musicological research constitute an important part of the ensemble's approach.
Aurion, originating from the greek "aemi", meaning "to breath unconsciously", "to blow", as well as "morning breeze" has born to highlight a new morning in the history of music, where the interrelation between poetry and music, vocality and instrumentality promised a so far unheard universe of expressivity.
In 2012 the Ensemble was invited to perform in festivals Musica Cortese (Gorizia - Italy), Giornate di Musica Antica (Valvasone - Italy) and Fringe Oude Muziek (Utrecht - Netherlands).
Musicians: Timea Nagy, recorder. Silvia de Maria and Pablo Garrido, gamba. Elena Doncel, harpsichord. Bérengère Sardin, harp. Massimo Pinca, violone.